The old Remington... I stopped using it for a while when I first began posting on facebook. It got stiff from being idle. I cleaned it and oiled the moving parts but it still jammed in mid-page. So I just pounded out regardless and hit the space-bar when it jammed. It is working again. Not as well as it once did but I now know that all I have to do is use it... lovingly.
It is a beautiful machine. Every part is mechanical and moves in accordance with simple but direct mechanical principle... like a pre-computerized automobile. A can still look under the hood of my 1989 Mazda B2200 truck and figure out what is going on with almost every part. I can't do that with the 2011 KIA I rented last year. The Mazda (actually a Ford) still works! Nothing in it is obsolete... yet. 23 years old and still works. My Remington is circa 1930 something and still works. My Dell is almost obsolete as I write. It barely functions now. In a couple of years it will be a worthless piece of plastic and silicon that will have little or no nostalgic value.
I'm just griping after pounding on the keys of my Remington. My first few words of this blog resumed the energetic pounding this keyboard. The bold print of pounding with more of a whack is now replaced by going to the top of the page with my cursor and clicking the B. No enthusiasm... no physical exertion... just click... and that is how anger is expressed by the kid in his room at mom and dad's expense or credit account clicking away on blog rants, comments and facebook posts. I, for one, prefer the exercise of a manual typewriter before I vent. Am I alone with this fetish?