Friday, June 28, 2024

The Presidential Debate (27/06/24)

 Yesterday, we had a Presidential debate. I wondered while watching it, did anyone change their vote because of anything they learned in that 90 minutes? What did the debate accomplish besides making the audience angry and depressed? 

I'm an old fart too, so age isn't a problem with me. I'd rather have seen younger candidates there because I came of age during the Kennedy/Nixon debates. That was when it was two intelligent young men debating their vision for the future of the nation brought about by well thought out policies. Debates since then have gradually deteriorated into what we got last night. What did we get last night?

Did anyone feel as though the President was lucid? Did anyone feel that he was way past his prime in cognicent decline? Can anyone expect him to hold his own in international implications with actors from Russia or China? 

How about this... Did anyone feel that the President has been propped up by people who should be arrested for elder abuse?

I have dear friends on the Left and on the Right... Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, and Republicans. Most are locked into their opinions/ideologies, and aren't listening to each other. The old saw is, "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king." And I say, be careful, we get what we pray for.

That's about all I have to say without taking side as to what I am voting for.