Harry had mixed feelings about what would become Nick; after
all, Nicky would be raised in luxury and live a life of cushy privilege if
Harry didn’t act. But, he feared the Franco grip on power was about to slip, or
eventually be overturned, and he couldn’t predict how things would turn out for
the ruling class in Spain.
He also thought that, if he worked it right, Nicky could have American
citizenship and get the hell out of Spain along with Iniga. This would
take nothing more than obtaining a forged marriage certificate and bribing a
few corrupt prison administrators. Finding the right corrupt prison official
wasn’t all that difficult as they were as common as fleas on a cur around Madrid. However, a high
profile Basque separatist such as Iniga posed a problem because she would be
slated for a summery execution as soon as she gave birth.
Harry took a seat
on a surreal bench with Commandante Rojelio at the Park Guell. The Comandante
was tamping his pipe when Harry approached, pausing a minute to appraise an old
acquaintance, “Senor Perro de Caza, it is good to see you are still alive.”
“Yes, and you have
advanced in rank, Camandante, since I last saw you.” Harry was letting Rojelio
know that he had inside information, knowing Rojelio’s rank, even though the
Comandante was in plain clothes. He also knew he would have a hard time dealing
with Rojelio because the man was one of the few decent people he knew in the Policia
“Who are you
working for now, Harry?” Rojelio was especially suspicious of Harry Baker. He
knew that Harry worked as an independent contractor and that meant he had no
allegiance to anything, anyone, any ideology or faith.
“I’m doing this
one on personal business. I know I can’t bend you with money but you can still
help me, if you will.”
“It is about
Iniga, eh?”
“Yes, and you know
she is embarazada too.” Harry was glad that Rojelio came directly to the point.
This saved them both a lot of time.
“Yes, she was
fortunate I was her interrogator…” he finally lit his pipe, “I can tell,
strangely enough, God must have a special love for that woman.”
“You can help
“Donate some pesetas
to the nuns at la Venta and you can get the child out if you act now. An
adoption is in order and the vultures are circling with bids before Iniga’s
belly even began to swell. I’m not so sure what it would take to get her released,
but negotiations...”
“… I have a
marriage certificate.”
“That might help
but I can’t promise anything.”
“Do you find this
park to be disorienting?” Harry didn’t like getting confused and the wavy undulations, swirling lines of the walkways and niches, evoked a bit of vertigo in his guts... or it could have been the carafes of wine from yesterday.
“No, it is a
glorious tribute to the convolutions of the Catalonian politics we have to
engage in to survive.” He let out a wisp
of smoke adding, “You ought to be used to that, Bird Dog.”
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