events replay in memory exactly as they happened because they happened in
slo-mo. He was barreling back to the Library when the chain slipped off the
sprocket of the bike… He reached down to jimmy it back… then the front wheel
hit a pothole, cranking the handlebars ninety degrees… Max sailed head-long
over the handlebars… no helmet. He knew he was in trouble.

it was over… in an instant his life changed… it changed and he became
Job at the city dump. Seizures… skull cracked ear-to-ear… memory loss… a
near-quack huckster for a doctor… old friends slipped away… new friends
enabled… disability insurance… not enough for child support and rent… choices…
self-medication… cocaine… alcohol… a miasma of suffering… anger… rage. He
couldn’t imagine it…. It had to change… maybe a cause of some sort.
of the nurses shook Max. “Wake up. It’s time to wake up!”
he opened his eyes. He thought he saw a custodian that looked like that old
guy, Lucky, pushing a cart in the hallway outside the door off his hospital
room. A doctor was talking about an X-ray, Basal Fracture. Hydrocephalus.
Leave me alone.”
doctor hovered over Max with a little flashlight checking his eyes. He spoke.
The nurse scribbled on a clip board “Papilledema.”
to Max, “Can you tell me your name?”
Uhhh…,” he had to think, “Max. Why?” Max was getting more annoyed. The light
was like a needle in his eyes, “Get that god damned light away!”
Doc held three fingers in front of Max’s face and asked, “How many fingers do
you see?”
held three fingers in the Doc’s face, “How many do you see, Doc?”
good.” The Doc checked Max’s ears with the flashlight and then said to the
nurse who was taking notes on a clip board, “Not good. Blood in the ears.
Concussion. Order a CAT scan. Monitor CSFs.”
the fuck are CSFs? Talk human language, Doc.”
said, they are brain fluids. Once they start it is hard to control them without
dramatic measures.”
Max didn’t remember much of what had happened. Confusion bred annoyance as the
Doc continued his probe, “What is the date today.”
this a joke? May…?” shit, he thought. What is the date? “No, June 15th?”
Uh… eighty-four… no, five?”
the Doc droned no surprise. He continued with Max, “Who is the President?”
thought for a minute. “What the fuck? I’ll screw around with this guy. Of course
I know who the President…” He drew a blank, “was it Carter and, and, shit. Who
came in after that? Yeh, it is Reagan. Ronald Reagan. My head hurts, Doc. You
got something for pain?””
the nurse, “An IV, Demerol. CT scan. We’ll monitor CSf.” He said and went out
the door.
remembered the eight-ball. “I gotta get back to the bar. I owe my tab.”
nurse taking notes on a chart put a hand on Max’s forehead, “You’ve had a serious
concussion, Max. Relax.
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