Monday, April 30, 2012

Adriane: The Sequel to A Taxi Romance

I am excited about where this novel is going but I had to pause and straighten out some of the errors in the timeline and where certain characters fit in. The writing process is what this blog is about and I am amazed that there are writers who can spill out words on the page in perfect order and don't get the story line mixed up. I get so involved with each situation and character and how he or she develops that I lose track of the wheres and whens of the whole sha-bang. Then I have to pause and go back over after I read it to someone and tweak, add or omit whole pages... save 'em for future reference and to meld in later or perhaps they are fodder for another novel all together. But I love it and wouldn't enjoy it as much if it worked out otherwise. I have always enjoyed the train ride more than arriving at the destination  but I am travel weary and ready by the time I have to get off at the station

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